Video Content for Small Businesses

Video content has been on the rise for a while now spreading from You Tube to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the other Social Media platforms.

If you are considering putting together a short video promoting your business here are a few ideas that can help make it more entertaining and more likely that someone will actually watch it.

First make sure it’s informative and fun. A good start is compiling the videos you like that are trying to achieve something similar to you. Take note of the bad ones as well and why you think they are poor.

1. Add your company details at the start of the video.
Quite simple really. If the viewer decides they don’t want to see it, at least they took note of your company’s name. It’s worth mentioning the company again either vocally or using overlaid text throughout the video. Text can also be used to emphasise points as well (also useful if there is a detail you didn’t mention in the original film.

2. Music.

Consider the audience and the suitability of the music you are using. If you run a Health Spa then Guns and Roses may not be the ideal choice even if it’s one of your favourite bands. The music you choose wants to compliment the visual side, not dominate it. Check copyright as well. There are now many websites like Audio Jungle which have Royalty Free downloads you can use.

3. Add humour.

We all have a different sense of humour but if you can add a little sprinkle of fun into your video this will keep people engaged.

4. Customer and Client Engagement

If you can get a customer or client to back up what you are saying then great. Obviously not everyone likes being in front of the camera but this is the equivalent of having a testimonial and adds credence to your video.

5. Practice

Lastly, whilst your video doesn’t need be perfect (people are used to this with the amount of amateur footage on channels like You Tube) but practice it and try shooting it a few times. If you’re speaking on the video you may feel a little self conscious and practice will make you more relaxed and natural when speaking.

Tag: SEO, video

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